
letting nature back in

at home and further afield


Wildlife garden

As I look out my window: Vervet monkeys at rest and play on a cool summer morning

During a break in the recent rainy weather vervet monkeys gathered on the roof of our carport and garage to rest, huddle, groom and play. The new babies take pride of place.  

Continue reading As I look out my window: Vervet monkeys at rest and play on a cool summer morning

Letting nature show and tell

In my go-with-the-flow-garden I hope to provide a space for myriad natural processes – only some of which I even notice. I have been thinking about some of the more obvious interactions that allow the garden to sustain itself and its network of visitors and residents.

Continue reading Letting nature show and tell

Flower Mantis ambush hunting a bee

Except for three heads of lavender-coloured blooms, the buds are mostly still tight on the Sagewood shrubs (Buddleja salviifolia) in our garden. When looking to see if any more blooms had opened I was delighted to discover a small Flower Mantis nestled in the tiny flowers of one of the flowerheads. Continue reading “Flower Mantis ambush hunting a bee”

Village Weavers: Summertime when the living is busy

Nest building in the fever trees in our garden has been feverish. After what seemed like some practice runs building nests next to the palm tree used for nesting material, the Village Weavers abandoned these first efforts. They then congregated noisily each day to build nests and engage in flamboyant displays high up in the branches of the fever trees. Continue reading “Village Weavers: Summertime when the living is busy”

Getting acquainted with a leaf mantis

I spotted this mantis on an Arum lily plant only by chance. I had been photographing small beetles that were pollinating the flower when I glanced down and saw this interesting little creature. Usually, we only see the green African Mantis around, so it was special to see this small mantis, commonly called a leaf mantis or a ghost mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa). Continue reading “Getting acquainted with a leaf mantis”


Painted by the glow of the late afternoon sun, the reflective water illuminates a Sombre Greenbul at the garden birdbath. Continue reading “Sunbrushed”

A fuchsia to depend on: A feast for the eyes and the birds

Known as the Tree fuchsia, because of the shape and colour of its flowers, this plant is adaptable, and can be a multi-stemmed shrub or a huge evergreen tree, depending on its growing conditions. Continue reading “A fuchsia to depend on: A feast for the eyes and the birds”


As I focus on this Red Tail moth, it appears to be focusing in turn on my camera lens. Continue reading “Focus”


The tiny flowers neatly arranged on pale blue stalks combine to form long plumes of delicate blue. Continue reading “Precision”

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