
letting nature back in

at home and further afield



The elusive bushbuck: Surprising survivors in the suburbs

Bushbucks do indeed live up to their name, preferring dense bush or forest thickets that provide good cover and make it possible for them to survive even in human-dominated landscapes where there is suitable habitat such as in our suburb on the urban edge.

Continue reading “The elusive bushbuck: Surprising survivors in the suburbs”

Weekly Photo Find: Forest Foraging

A Grey Duiker picks its way through fallen leaves as it forages at the margins of a patch of mistbelt forest in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Continue reading “Weekly Photo Find: Forest Foraging”

Time out: a jaunt to a nearby game reserve

Ingredients for a great excursion: a sunny day, a nearby natural location, a simple packed lunch, a favourite beverage, a camera, and congenial human company (the last is optional). Continue reading “Time out: a jaunt to a nearby game reserve”

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