
letting nature back in

at home and further afield


Tambourine Dove

An unusually confiding tambourine dove

I don’t see tambourine doves in the garden as much as I used to and in any event they are shy and skittish, so the other day when I looked out of the window and saw a tambourine dove foraging on the ground I fetched my camera.

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For the birds: Forest and woodland habitats

Our neighbourhood is at the foot of an escarpment that would have been part of a mosaic of Afro-montane forest and grassland prior to extensive exploitation of the forests for timber and the widespread introduction of intensive agriculture and the establishment of urban areas, which commenced with the colonial era.

Continue reading “For the birds: Forest and woodland habitats”

Love doves (you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone)

Doves may be relatively common, usually their colours are subtle, but they should not be taken for granted. The understated beauty of doves is something to be celebrated. Continue reading “Love doves (you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone)”

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