wildlife garden
Halleria lucida and sunbird

Letting nature in rather than reigning it in, providing sanctuary rather than imposing orderliness, cherishing local plants, critters and wildlife, all open us up to a more relaxed and diverse environment.  Since August 2016 I have celebrated the creatures and plants that inhabit and enrich suburban spaces, especially in my previous garden in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as nature in wilder places further afield. Moving to a village in the Western Cape in February 2023, I continue to explore how letting nature back in can shift our priorities.

About me: naturebackin 1I believe that everyday nature around us, even in suburban environments, can be cherished and nurtured rather than taken for granted or shut out. After moving to the Western Cape (South Africa) to a smaller and more hybrid garden in terms of plants, I share what I discover about nature in an environment that is new to me.

Contact me: email dcbramm@gmail.com