Wanderlust is the theme for the Weekly Photo Challenge this week, with an invitation to “share a photo that represents travel to you”.

My well-worn hiking boots represent travel as they satisfy my “itchy feet” when it’s time to get out into the great outdoors again. The wilder the better is the way I like it.

For example, last year, my husband and I spent nearly three weeks camping in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana, needing to be self-sufficient with water, food and fuel. This was our second visit there, and one of our favourite campsites (consisting of a lone tree and a broken long-drop toilet and being 50 kilometres from the nearest campsite – or person) might seem remote, but it is alive with all manner of flora and fauna.

How lovely to be far away from work and worries, and cooking supper over a campfire under a starry sky, completely solitary and feeling protected each night by the highly vocal lions patrolling the area.


Although the campfire in this picture is in a wild place, we also enjoy cooking over an outdoor fire even when at home in our suburban garden

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wanderlust Click the link to see images from other bloggers.

Posted by Carol
